
Our commitments

We proudly adhere to the MSC (Marine Stewardship Council), ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) and BIO ecolabels, which certify our commitment to sustainable fishing and aquaculture methods.

Respect the fishery resource by developing the certified sector to preserve our resources, as well as by promoting French artisanal fishing.

Cibo is committed to working with partners who promote responsible and environmentally friendly fishing practices.

Sustainable fishing promotes the perseverance of fishery resources in several ways: respect for seasonality and fishing quotas, fishing practices that are less destructive to the seabed, etc.

Fish is one of the most traded food products internationally, and an important source of income and employment. It accounts for approximately 20% of global animal protein consumption.

Our social and societal commitment

The social responsibility of our companies is the result of a collective approach. To be effective, the agro-ecological transition must bring together all stakeholders, from the producer to the consumer, including the importer, the processor and the distributor.

We believe that the development of QSE and CSR policies in the agri-food sector is an important lever for the ecological transition and actively contributes to preserving the health of consumers and the environment.

  • Respect the environment by taking an upstream and downstream approach to reduce packaging, promote recycling, and encourage our partners to use renewable energy as much as possible,

  • Structuring the upstream and constantly improving ourselves by strengthening our management rigor and our quality management system through the continuous improvement of our processes,

  • Ensuring health and safety at work  by offering employees safe and healthy working conditions and the means adapted to the performance of their activities and their development at work   

Cibo has a model, both for us and for our producers, the ISO 26030 standard showing our CSR commitment.


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