ORIGIN(S) France // England / Scotland / IrelandIN BRIEF Present in the North Atlantic, the Mediterranean and more particularly in the Norman and Breton gulfs. The spider crab lives on all types of seabeds between low tide and depths of 90 metres. It is a crustacean rich in protein and low in fat. The flesh of the spider crab is fine and its taste subtle.PACKAGING Whole or cooked peeled flesh / We select the best producers by country of origin(s). The raw peeled spider crab is passed through high pressure in French workshops.CALIBRE(S) Contact usPROCESSED IN FRANCE
ORIGIN(S) NamibiaIN BRIEF Fished in the South East Atlantic, the Deep Sea Red Crab is caught in a trap then processed and frozen at sea.PACKAGING In clusters: raw or cooked legs or clawsCALIBER(S) Legs: S(90/100g), M(110/150g), L(120/200g), XL( 200g) - Claws: S(40/55g), M(55/70g), L(70/80g), XL( 80g) - Clusters: M(130/200g), L(200g/250g), 2L(250/300g), 3L( 300g), BrokenPROCESSED on board our producer's boat
ORIGIN(S) Wild or farmed IN BRIEF Shrimp is the French people's favorite crustacean. Raw or cooked, whole or peeled, it can be eaten in all forms. PACKAGING IQF bulk carton, box or bag CALIBER(S) All sizes, all calibers
ORIGIN(S) Canada / USA IN BRIEF Caught off the coasts of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island or Maine, Canadian lobster is distinguished by its lively taste and melting flesh. After a high-pressure pass, the whole lobster is blanched, cooked or shelled raw.PACKAGING Vacuum-packed, filleted or "popsicle"CALIBER(S) Contact usPROCESSED IN France
ORIGIN(S) France // England / Scotland / IrelandIN BRIEF Caught on the coasts of Brittany, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, the European lobster has a subtly salty taste and delicately firm flesh. After a high-pressure treatment, the whole lobster is blanched, cooked or shelled raw.PACKAGING Vacuum-packed or filletedCALIBER(S) Contact usPROCESSED IN France
ORIGIN(S) France // England / Denmark / Scotland / Ireland / NorwayIN BRIEF Langoustine, an exceptional product. Closer to lobster than to crayfish despite its name. Langoustine is most often served whole and poached or roasted with herb butter, but many preparations in the kitchen only use the shelled tails. PACKAGING Whole raw or cooked, tail with shell or raw shelledCALIBER(S) Contact usPROCESSED We select the best producers by country of origin. The raw shelled langoustines are passed through high pressure in a French workshop.
ORIGIN(S) France // England / Denmark / Scotland / IrelandIN BRIEF The crab is mainly fished in traps. It is mainly present in the cold waters of North West Europe. A source of vitamin B12 and zinc, they contain a lot of vitamin E. This crab is highly sought after for its taste qualities. PACKAGING Vacuum-packed whole or just the whole or peeled clawsCALIBER(S) Contact usPROCESSED We select the best producers by country of origin.